Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day two... gotta pick my goals!

I will have more to post later, but I realized that even after that long-ish post last night, I didn't pinpoint my March goals! The ideas I listed in an earlier entry were just ideas... no way I could complete ALL of them in a month. That's a lot of self control!

Here are my goals for March:

  • Spend under $100 for groceries (again!). Bonus points if it's under $90!
  • Get to the gym 4 days a week. (My gym isn't exactly in a convenient location...)
  • Try 2 new recipes a week, whether it be from a blog or a cookbook!
I should set up some sort of rewards system so that I can actually stick to these. Last month's reward (accidentally...I was gonna get it regardless!) was a gigantic bowl of cake batter and cookie dough ice cream from Cold Stone... in a chocolate-dipped waffle cone topped with graham crackers. Oh my God. Heaven. And probably 209285908 calories. Yumm.

What are your short-term goals?

1 comment:

  1. My short term goal is to get on a proper sleep schedule.
